Friday, October 3, 2008

'Gotcha Journalism' my ass...

Watching the McCain / Palin interview the other day, when McCain made his derisive comment about 'gotcha' journalism, I couldn't help but wonder when the Republican party became such a pack of whiny crybabies. Probably when their poll numbers began to crater after America correctly identified Sarah Palin as the drooling monotonous sycophant that she is.

Of course the Republicans are writing it all off to the infamous 'liberal media elite' and this concept of 'gotcha' journalism. What Palin has been subjected to is not 'gotcha journalism'. Asking her to defend her position on the Khitomer Accords - and then dumping on her as she flails about trying to come up with that would be 'gotcha journalism'. (I'd actually like to see someone try that on her, actually.)

No - what Palin has been subjected to is fair, directed questioning. Her inability to deal with these confrontations says more about her than it does about the media, and the Republican party would be better served by dealing with it than bitching about it. What makes them think she'll be treated any better by foreign leadership? If she can't handle the press, I'd say the Republican ticket has some serious issues to consider.

It's fair to say that Palin didn't cut her own throat last night facing off against Joe Biden, but she didn't exactly inspire confidence either - and as much as I'd like to say this was a break-even contest, it wasn't - not according to every reliable poll, at any rate. I've seen opinion breakdowns giving Biden margins ranging from 15% to 65%.

So - whining isn't a game-winning strategy for McPalin. I'm curious to see what they try next.

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