Wednesday, October 1, 2008


You probably don't recognize me, but some of you know me as Musashi from This blog is something of a side-project, maybe even a spin-off of Yellow Menace as I'm sure both sites will probably share some common topics.

But this is really just a small corner of the internet for me to post about stuff that really doesn't have a place at Yellow Menace. Though I really love writing for my other site, there are some things that simply don't fall within the domain of Asian Pop-Culture. Plus, it's nice to have a fresh start - I had considered dubbing this blog 'Destroy All Monsters' as a tip of the hat to Yellow Menace's original incarnation, but I thought that was a bit retrograde. And besides, I like Monster Island. Monster Island is a 'place', not a title - and I like to think of blogs as places my mind can retreat to and kick up its' feet.

So, like the title says, welcome to Monster Island. Hope you enjoy your stay.

NOTE: Yeah, I know the logo's kinda crap - it's the best I could do in ten minutes. I plan on working up a nice, catchy one in the next day or two.

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